Manual Dysphagia Therapy

Manual Dysphagia Therapy assesses and deals systematically with all methods and techniques concerning rehabilitation of swallowing disorders in which the therapists hands may be used.
The main goal of "Manual Dyphagia Therapy" is to influence postural control, dynamic stability for posture and movement during swallowing and breathing, so that the breathing-swallowing cycles may be coordinated efficiently and safely for a duration of 24 hours. Both non-contractile structures, including neural structures, and contractile (muscular) structures are mobilized to ensure better functions which are integrated within context-dependent activities for daily life.

Speech and swallowing therapists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, medical docotrs
Experience with neurological patients
Renata Horst, MSc Neurological Rehabilitation, PT-OMT, internat. adv. PNF-Instructor
Ricki Nusser-Müller-Busch, MSc Neurological Rehabilitation, Speech and Swallowing Therapist, F.O.T.T. – Instructor
and the teaching staff of the N.A.P.-Academy